Research for society
As a publicly funded organization, Fraunhofer has a duty to facilitate the free and immediate access to its research findings (including the data on which these findings are based), and in this way inform the general public about the results of its research activities. Open Access makes this possible in a simple way that is open to all.
Scientific accuracy and reception
Reproducibility is one of the fundamental principles of scientific practice, because it ensures that experimental results can be duplicated and verified. Open Access to published papers promotes transparency in research and enables research results to be verified more quickly and easily, especially if the underlying data is also made available at the same time. On top of this, studies have indicated that Open Access publications tend to gain reception more quickly and are cited more often.
Business and innovation
Open Access publications support and accelerate innovation cycles by ensuring that research findings are promptly processed and reused. As an essential part of the transfer of knowledge and technology to society as well as to potential clients and collaboration partners, Open Access ensures that Fraunhofer research findings are as accessible as possible and available for direct follow-up research.